Jump to: TOC | Definitions | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | PDF version (2010 with Amendments)

BWS Rules and Regulations

These Rules and Regulations have been adopted pursuant to the authority expressed in Section 7-105(j) of the Revised Charter of the City and County of Honolulu; and, in accordance with procedures established and prescribed in Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 91.

These Rules and Regulations represent a compilation, recodification and general amendment to those previously existing rules and regulations governing the Board of Water Supply.

(Reprinted 2010 with amendments)

To view the BWS Rules and Regulations (2010 with Amendments) online, see the Table of Contents that follows. Or, download a version of the BWS Rules and Regulations (2010 with Amendments) in PDF format.

Table of Contents


Chapter I: Water and Water System Requirements for Developments

  1. Sec. 1-101: Availability of Water
  2. Sec. 1-102: Water System Facilities Charges
  3. Sec. 1-103: Increase in Size of Water Mains
  4. Sec. 1-104: Sizes of Mains, Hydrant Spacing, Fire Protection
  5. Sec. 1-105: Laterals, Dead-Ends, Alterations to Public Water System Contours
  6. Sec. 1-106: Construction Plans
  7. Sec. 1-107: Materials and Construction Standards, Installation of Water Service, Inspection of Work
  8. Sec. 1-108: Ownership of Installed Water System
  9. Sec. 1-109: Modification of Requirements
  10. Sec. 1-110: Construction Agreement and Bond
  11. Sec. 1-111: Repair and Replacement of Improvements
  12. Sec. 1-112: Use of Nonpotable Water Required for Large Landscaped Areas
  13. Sec. 1-113: Review of Construction Plans and Building Permit Application

Chapter II: Water Service to Consumers

  1. Sec. 2-201: Application for Water Service
  2. Sec. 2-202: Installation of Water Service
  3. Sec. 2-203: Meter Reading and Rendering of Bills
  4. Sec. 2-204: Payment of Bills
  5. Sec. 2-205: Discontinuation of Water Service
  6. Sec. 2-206: Restoration of Water Service
  7. Sec. 2-207: Nonregistering Meters
  8. Sec. 2-208: Meter Tests and Adjustment of Bills
  9. Sec. 2-209: Conservation Measures and Interruption of Water Supply
  10. Sec. 2-210: Pressure Conditions
  11. Sec. 2-211: Damage to Department's Property
  12. Sec. 2-212: Ingress To and Egress From Consumer's Premises
  13. Sec. 2-213: Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention
  14. Sec. 2-214: Fire Service
  15. Sec. 2-215: Fire Hydrants
  16. Sec. 2-216: Resale of Water
  17. Sec. 2-217: Elevation Agreement

Chapter III: Protection, Development and Conservation of Water Resources

  1. Sec. 3-301: Waste Disposal Facilities
  2. Sec. 3-302: Surface Waters
  3. Sec. 3-303: Use of Pesticides
  4. Sec. 3-304: Protection of Water Resources
  5. Sec. 3-305: Application for Drilling, Modifying, Recasing, or Reusing Wells
  6. Sec. 3-306: Permit for Drilling, Modifying, Recasing, or Reusing Wells
  7. Sec. 3-307: Suspension of Permit and Correction of Defects
  8. Sec. 3-308: Well Casing
  9. Sec. 3-309: Other Requirements for Wells
  10. Sec. 3-310: Log of Well, Length of Casing and Depth of Well
  11. Sec. 3-311: Qualifications of Well Drillers
  12. Sec. 3-312: Inspection of Work
  13. Sec. 3-313: Utilization of Well Water
  14. Sec. 3-314: Data Relating to Wells
  15. Sec. 3-315: Test Borings
  16. Sec. 3-316: Abandonment and Sealing
  17. Sec. 3-317: Access to Wells and Appurtenances
  18. Sec. 3-318: Low Groundwater Level Conditions
  19. Sec. 3-319: Mandatory Restrictions Related to Alert Low Groundwater Condition
  20. Sec. 3-320: Mandatory Restrictions Related to Critical Low Groundwater Condition
  21. Sec. 3-321: Penalties
  22. Sec. 3-322: Procedures for Control of Water Use During Low Groundwater Level Condition
  23. Sec. 3-323: Exemption of Private Wells Within Designated Groundwater Control Areas
  24. Sec. 3-324: Use of Recycled Water

Chapter IV: Rules Governing Parking at the Board of Water Supply

  1. Sec. 4-401: Off-Street Parking Areas
  2. Sec. 4-402: Parking Authorization
  3. Sec. 4-403: Parking Hours
  4. Sec. 4-404: Removal of Unauthorized Vehicles
  5. Sec. 4-405: Authorization to Initiate Parking Fees
  6. Sec. 4-406: Authorization to Establish Other Parking Areas

Chapter V: General Provisions

  1. Sec. 5-501: Penalty
  2. Sec. 5-502: Appeals
  3. Sec. 5-503: Repeal of Rules
  4. Sec. 5-504: Severability
  5. Sec. 5-505: Rules Inoperative, When

Jump to: TOC | Definitions | Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | PDF version (2010 with Amendments)