Go to: Commercial Rebates 

EPA WaterSense® Urinal

The commercial urinal rebate reach may be limited due to the Hawai’i State Plumbing Code, which requires 1.0 gallons per flush (GPF). However, according to the State Building Code Council, the code “sets forth minimum requirements for the design, installation, alteration, repair, and construction of plumbing and drainage systems, and shall apply to all new construction, relocation, alteration, repair or reconstruction.” The rebate will provide an incentive for commercial properties who do not fall within those parameters. Furthermore, the code requirement of 1.0 GPF is 50% higher than the EPA WaterSense® requirement of .5 GPF, allowing for additional water conservation in properties currently meeting code requirements.

Per EPA WaterSense®, an average office building could reduce its water use by as much as 26,000 gallons per year by installing EPA WaterSense® urinals while replacing older, inefficient urinals. Some older urinals use as much as five gallons per flush, five times the current federal standard.

36 billion gallons of water could be saved every year, nationwide by replacing inefficient urinals.

Rebate Amount:
Urinal: $50

Available At: 

How to Redeem:

By Mail:
Fill out the form and print. Mail the completed form AND the sales receipt to:

Board of Water Supply Water Sensible Rebate Program
P.O. Box 1440
Honolulu HI 96806

By Email: 
Fill out the form AND and email it and the sales receipt to watersensible@boardofwatersupply.com

Download the Rebate Form  (includes Terms and Conditions)