Go to: Commercial Rebates 

Commercial Rain Barrels/Totes 

Large barrels and totes can range in size from 100 to 450 gallons. These provide commercial customers such as farms, schools, and businesses with an economical and convenient strategy to reduce outdoor water use. Depending on size, rain barrels can offset well over $100 in annual water bill savings.

Rebate Amount:
Rain Barrel/Tote: $150

Available At: 
The Urban Farmer Store

How to Redeem:

By Mail:
Fill out the form and print. Mail the completed form AND the sales receipt to:

Board of Water Supply Water Sensible Rebate Program
P.O. Box 1440
Honolulu HI 96806

By Email: 
Fill out the form AND and email it and the sales receipt to watersensible@boardofwatersupply.com.

Download the Rebate Form  (includes Terms and Conditions)