BWS JOBS > Featured Jobs

Working to Protect, Conserve and Manage Oahu's Most Vital Resource since 1929

About the Board of Water Supply

Established in 1929, the Board of Water Supply manages Oahu's municipal water resources and distribution system. Its mission is to provide residents with safe and dependable water service at a reasonable cost. As a semi-autonomous agency of the City and County of Honolulu, the City Department of Human Resources handles recruitment for BWS permanent, civil service positions.

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Featured in Pacific Business News

Focus Forum on Workforce Development

November 11, 2022 -- As the world of work continues to evolve, the struggle to find good employees has become tougher than ever. Companies hoping to grow their teams in the coming months and years will need to adopt innovative new approaches to stay competitive when it comes to developing their workforce. As part of an ongoing Focus Forum discussion series, PBN brought together two leaders, including Michele Thomas, chief human resources officer at the Honolulu Board of Water Supply, to discuss career development, employee recruitment and retention.

isaac hayashi

Why work at the Board of Water Supply?

“I’m fortunate to have good coworkers and bosses who are willing to share their time and expertise. We are really taken care of as we grow our careers.”

Isaac Hayashi, Civil Engineer V
Water Systems Planning Branch, Water Resources Division
Joined in 2013 (10+ years)

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Featured BWS Opportunities


Engineering staff plan, design, and oversee construction of all improvements to the BWS water system. They are directly involved with many of the improvement projects. They design the projects, work with contractors, and manage projects to completion.

Information Technology

Cutting edge technology is what this division is all about. Our IT team develops, supports, and maintains innovative systems including state-of-the-art centralized water system control and monitoring systems; call center systems, security systems, multi-tier data base, GIS mapping, and spatial analysis systems.

Customer Care

Customer Care employees serve as the primary point of contact to address customer needs, concerns, and requests; formulate and establish collection, credit and remittance practices and procedures; investigate and determine causes of abnormalities, interruptions, and deductions in water supply; and receive and process applications for new water services.

  • There are none at this time.


Administrative jobs can encompass a wide variety of duties. Administrative workers provide support to a company. This support might include general office management, answering phones, speaking with clients, assisting an employer, clerical work (including maintaining records and entering data), or a variety of other tasks.

Temporary, Non-Civil Service Employment

See below for current contract opportunities available with the Board of Water Supply.

City Civil Service Listings | City Non-Civil Service Listings​​

BWS is Hiring -- We Work to Protect, Conserve and Manage Oahu's Most Vital Resource

 City Benefits | City FAQ | City Openings | BWS FAQ | BWS Openings | Online Application Guide

The City and County of Honolulu is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Updated: 01/06/2025