Go to: Commercial Rebates 

                                     EPA WaterSense® Toilet 

The current Hawaii State Plumbing Code requires 1.6 gpf toilets; however, EPA Watersense® models require toilets meet 1.28gpf, using 20% less water. 

Commercial toilets, or flushometer-valve toilets, consists of main components, the toilet bowl and the flushometer valve. Generally, these fixtures are in commercial, institutional, or industrial restrooms like airports, theaters, stadiums, schools, and office buildings. 

Approximately 1.2 million gallons of water can be saved by replacing old, inefficient flushometer-valve toilets with WaterSense labeled models in average ten-story office building.  

Special Rebate Amount: $100
Get up to a $100 rebate for eligible toilets purchased on or after January 19, 2024, while fundings lasts.

Available At: 
Home Depot
The Bathroom Store
T.Oki Trading

How to Redeem:

By Mail:
Fill out the form and print. Mail the completed form AND the sales receipt to:

Board of Water Supply Water Sensible Rebate Program
P.O. Box 1440
Honolulu HI 96806

By Email: 
Fill out the form AND and email it and the sales receipt to watersensible@boardofwatersupply.com. 

Download the Rebate Form  (includes Terms and Conditions)