Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) Updates

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November 2022 Update

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting

November 10, 2022 – The recording of the November 9, 2022 Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting is now available.

For more information, visit https://health.hawaii.gov/ust/ust-home-test/ust-red-hill-project-main/red-hill-task-force-meeting/.

Recommended for You...
A featured sample of reading, official news releases, and recorded livestreams related to Red Hill

January 2022 Update

Subcommittee on Readiness Hearing: "Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility: The Current Crisis, the Response, and the Way Forward"

TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2022 – The U.S. House Armed Forces Committee, Subcommittee on Readiness held a virtual hearing to conduct oversight into the Navy's maintenance of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, the Navy's investigation into and response to the November 2021 release of fuel from Red Hill facility impacting drinking water, its impacts on service members and civilians, clean-up and remediation efforts, and next steps forward. 

DLNR: State Water Commission Takes Positions on Red Hill Water Contamination Emergency (PDF)

JANUARY 8, 2022 – Friday, after members of the State Commission on Water Resource Management (CWRM) received a four-hour long briefing on the Red Hill water emergency and another three-and-a-half hours of public testimony and Commission discussion, with over 160 written and oral testimonies, the Commission approved the following policy positions on the matter:

  • The Water Commission stands united alongside the Hawai‘i Congressional delegation and the Hawai‘i Department of Health calling on the Navy to immediately suspend operations at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and fully comply with the Emergency Order to begin the process of planning and executing the safe removal of fuel that continues to pose a threat to O‘ahu’s drinking water.
  • We acknowledge and appreciate the tireless efforts of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply and citizen groups in addressing this threat. Our hearts and aloha go out to the families affected by this preventable tragedy.
  • The Water Commission will use its full range of authority and capacity to work with all stakeholders to monitor, evaluate, and enforce both short and long-term efforts and actions to eliminate the threat of the current Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility to O‘ahu’s water resource.

Commission Chair Suzanne Case said the situation has been concerning for years, and with the 2021 fuel leaks into the U.S. Navy’s water system serving Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, “it’s an important and serious situation,” Case said.

CWRM is responsible for the protection and sustainable use of groundwater and surface water resources in Hawai‘i, including water quantity and quality. Underground aquifers provide virtually all drinking water on O‘ahu. There’s great concern that petroleum products from the Navy’s Red Hill Fuel Storage Facility and associated lines could contaminate underground water supplies across a large swath of the island.

Ernie Lau, the Manager and Chief Engineer of the Honolulu Board of Water Supply, told commissioners, “The reason we’re being so aggressive with this is because in a worse-case scenario contaminated water could spread throughout the entire system. This would not be isolated to a single location and will impact tens of thousands of customers. That’s why it’s so important to find out what is happening with the aquifer.”

Representatives from the Department of Health (DOH) detailed ongoing multi-agency efforts to address the current emergency with the focus on aquifer recovery, remediation, monitoring, modeling, and mitigation.

The Commission received updates from Navy representatives, who pledged greater transparency and communications with regulatory agencies and the public. One commissioner commented, “We are concerned that DOH vehemently disagrees with the use of the models the Navy is suggesting, and we hope the dialog is more transparent and CWRM is at the table.”

CWRM staff have been deeply involved in numerous working groups and task forces addressing the current fuel leaks and efforts to mitigate them and restore clean drinking water supplies to tens of thousands of customers in the Pearl Harbor area.

Another commissioner pointed to a growing mistrust in the community with the Navy. A Navy representative stated, “That’s a concern of ours as well. We would like to have a good reputation. When it comes to the potable water distribution system, we are developing a better partnership with DOH and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and their regulations to help ensure we are transparent and doing the right things.”

Chair Case said the Commission appreciates that the Navy is focusing on its flushing and distribution plan to make it safe for water recipients and to make sure water does not harm fish and birds in streams and wetlands. “The next stage of pumping water from underneath the surface of the shaft at a high rate to try and control migration of water, to make sure no fuel-contaminated water moves west, is urgent,” Case told the Navy representatives.

The bigger, long-term issue of eliminating the risks of contamination to the aquifer from the Navy system is what Case described as “very urgent.”  In response to a question by Chair Case, Navy representatives told the Commission that they do understand the connections between what is coming out of the faucet and pipes, and the aquifers, forested watersheds, and rainfall, and pledged to continue working with other state, city and county, and federal agencies on fixing the current issues and preventing occurrences in the future.

Case concluded, “Our responsibility is to make sure this issue is watched closely including Pearl Harbor water planning and aquifer management. We need to maximize recharge and minimize draw downs.”

The Commission also approved the establishment of a Permitted Interaction Group of up to three Commissioners who will be appointed by the Chairperson.

Red Hill Resolutions: 
Maui County Resolution 22-5, FD1 (January 7, 2022)

BWS Supports Decision by DOH Deputy Director to Uphold the State's Emergency Order on Red Hill

JANUARY 4, 2022 – The Board of Water Supply commends the Department of Health for upholding in its entirety the Emergency Order requiring the Navy to immediately suspend fuel storage operations at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, expeditiously install a drinking water treatment system at the Navy’s Red Hill Shaft drinking water well, and promptly take action to defuel the Red Hill underground storage tanks.

The Department of Health’s final order makes clear that the Red Hill facility constitutes an imminent peril to human health and the environment, that it places Oahu’s sole-source aquifer at significant risk of further contamination, and that immediate action is necessary to protect our critical drinking water resources. The BWS encourages the Navy to stop fighting the emergency order and to accept the reality that the current Red Hill facility has reached the end of its useful life. The Red Hill facility must be defueled and the fuel relocated away from Oahu’s irreplaceable aquifer to ensure the purity of our drinking water for present and future generations.

December 2021 Update

BWS Expresses Disappointment with Navy's Continued Fight Against Department of Health's Emergency Order

DECEMBER 30, 2021 – The Board of Water Supply is disappointed with the Navy’s decision to continue fighting the Department of Health’s Emergency Order despite the overwhelming evidence demonstrating the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility constitutes an imminent peril to human health, the environment, and the drinking water of the people of Oahu. The Navy’s objections to Hearings Officer Day’s clear and well-reasoned Proposed Decision are wrong and largely reiterate the same flawed arguments that were already raised, considered, and rejected in a full and fair contested case proceeding. The Board of Water Supply continues to support the Proposed Decision and encourages the Department of Health to immediately adopt the Hearings Officer’s proposal as a final decision and order. The Navy must be required to take action to protect our irreplaceable drinking water resources. The Red Hill tanks should be defueled and relocated to a place that does not imperil Oahu’s sole-source groundwater aquifer.

BWS News Conference | December 28, 2021 | 11:30 AM

DECEMBER 28, 2021 – Watch the recording of the Board of Water Supply (BWS) news conference held on Tuesday, December 28, 2021, where Ernest Lau, BWS Manager and Chief Engineer, comments on the proposed order and decision related to the Emergency Order by the Hawaii Department of Health for the U.S. Navy to immediately remove fuel stored at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to reassess operations at the site.

Proposed Decision and Order, DOH v. Navy, Docket No. 21-UST-EA-02

DECEMBER 27, 2021 – On Monday, December 27, 2021, a state hearing officer issued a proposed decision and order that the U.S. Navy comply with the Hawaii Department of Health's emergency order to drain the fuel tanks located at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to assess the safety of continued operations at the site. 

Read the Hawaii Hearing Officer's Proposed Decision and Order

Evidentiary Hearing, DOH v. Navy, Docket No. 21-UST-EA-02, Continues

DECEMBER 21, 2021 – The evidentiary hearing concerning the Hawaii Department of Health Emergency Order on Red Hill Operations began on Monday, December 20 at 8:00 AM HST. The hearing will continue on Tuesday, December 21 at 9:00 AM HST. The schedule is subject to change.

Board of Water Supply Submits Formal Letter to President Biden

DECEMBER 21, 2021 – The Board of Water Supply (BWS) submitted a formal letter to U.S. President Joe Biden urging the president to intervene and to protect Hawaii's freshwater aquifer from contamination and to direct the Department of Defense to immediately defuel the Navy's World War II vintage underground fuel tanks at Red Hill and to relocate the fuel storage tanks away from the aquifer.

BWS formal letter to U.S. President Biden (2021-12-20)

Evidentiary Hearing, DOH v. Navy, Docket No. 21-UST-EA-02

DECEMBER 15, 2021 – There will be an evidentiary hearing on Monday, December 20, 2021 starting at 8:00 AM concerning the State of Hawaii's Department of Health Emergency Order on the Red Hill Operations. The hearing will be broadcast live on YouTube. Schedule is subject to change.

BWS Supports Department of Health's Decision on Red Hill Fuel Tanks

DECEMBER 7, 2021 – The Board of Water Supply (BWS) applauds the decision of the Department of Health to issue an Emergency Order requiring the Navy to immediately suspend fuel storage operations at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, expeditiously install a drinking water treatment system at the Navy’s Red Hill Shaft drinking water well, and promptly take action to defuel the Red Hill underground storage tanks.

Immediate actions are necessary to protect the thousands of residents who rely on the water supplied by the Navy’s water distribution system and, ultimately, the nearly one million people on Oahu who rely on the sole-source aquifer that underlies Red Hill.

Based on the historic performance of the Navy’s operation of the Red Hill facility, the BWS has long called for the relocation of the Red Hill tanks away from Oahu’s irreplaceable drinking water resources and the Emergency Order is an important first step.

Going forward, it will be critical to monitor the actions taken in response to this order to ensure that the fuel at Red Hill is safely removed and that refueling the existing tanks is not allowed as it is irrefutable that the Red Hill facility cannot be operated in a way that is protective of human health and the environment as is required by state law.  Relocating the Red Hill tanks is the only way to protect the purity of our drinking water for present and future generations.

If there are any questions, please call (808) 748-5041 or email contactus@hbws.org.

November 2021 Update

Red Hill Updates

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2021 -- The Hawaii Congressional Delegation submitted a letter to Carlos Del Toro, the U.S. Secretary of the Navy regarding their increasing concerns about the safety of the Navy’s fuel operations in Hawaii, with particular note of reports of a fuel leak near Hotel Pier at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) that occurred in March 2020 and communicating with regulators, officials and the public.

October 2021 Update

Red Hill Updates

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2021 -- The Hawaii Department of Health's Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch and the U.S. Navy both released reports in October related to the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting (PDF)

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2021 -- The next State of Hawaii Department of Health's Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC) meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday, October 28, 2021, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM, HST.

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting Details
- Date: Thursday, October 28, 2021
- Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (HST)
- Details: Zoom Meeting Link, Agenda & Guidelines (PDF)


Thursday, October 28, 2021
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (all times are listed in HST)
Via Zoom (access code below)

Note: This meeting will start at 9:00 am sharp. The Zoom will be opened at 8:50am. The meeting may not run the entire morning and the agenda may not adhere to the times listed below. Public comments will be taken at the end of the Advisory Committee member discussions. Public comments can be chatted or presented during the meeting or written comments may be emailed to Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov through November 21, 2021.

Meeting Objectives

1. Ensure that all members of the committee, especially new ones, understand the purpose, function, and current efforts of both the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC)
2. Provide summary and recap of last meeting.
3. Provide updates from the Navy on: 
    · What has transpired and changed since the last meeting
    · What is being worked on now
    · Next steps
4. Ensure both members of the FTAC and members of the public have adequate time to ask questions and offer comments and advice.


Zoom Line OpensStartup – Deputy Director Kathleen Ho, Department of Health (DOH)
Zoom Line OpensReview of Duties of the Committee – Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 342L, Section 62 (restated below) – Joanna Seto, DOH
Committee to focus on field-constructed tanks (FCTs) at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Kuahua Peninsula, Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, and Hickam Pol Annex
Zoom Line OpensAgenda and Format – Peter Adler, Facilitator
Zoom Line OpensRole, Function, and Status of Red Hill AOC – Gabriela Carvalho, EPA & Roxanne Kwan, DOH
Zoom Line OpensCarry Over Issues from May 20, 2021 Meeting and Related Issues – Thu Perry, DOH
· DOH Compliance Inspection of Red Hill
· May 6, 2021 Release and Investigation
· Hotel Pier and Kilo Pier Release Investigation Information
· GTTNA Study, Agreement Details
· UH Contract Details
Zoom Line OpensTechnical Updates – ADM Timothy Kott, CAPT Gordie Meyer & CAPT Bert Hornyak, U.S. Navy
· What has been completed since the last FTAC
· What is the progress
· Items targeted for completion before the next FTAC
Zoom Line OpensFTAC Committee Discussion – Moderated by Facilitator
Zoom Line OpensPublic Questions and Comments – Moderated by Facilitator
Zoom Line OpensNext Meeting – Thu Perry, DOH
Zoom Line OpensAdjourn
8:50AM Zoom Line Opens
9:00AM Startup – Deputy Director Kathleen Ho, Department of Health (DOH)
9:10AM Review of Duties of the Committee – Hawaii Revised Statutes, Chapter 342L, Section 62 (restated below) – Joanna Seto, DOH
Committee to focus on field-constructed tanks (FCTs) at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Kuahua Peninsula, Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, and Hickam Pol Annex
9:15AM Agenda and Format – Peter Adler, Facilitator
9:20AM Role, Function, and Status of Red Hill AOC – Gabriela Carvalho, EPA & Roxanne Kwan, DOH
9:30AM Carry Over Issues from May 20, 2021 Meeting and Related Issues – Thu Perry, DOH
· DOH Compliance Inspection of Red Hill
· May 6, 2021 Release and Investigation
· Hotel Pier and Kilo Pier Release Investigation Information
· GTTNA Study, Agreement Details
· UH Contract Details
9:40AM Technical Updates – ADM Timothy Kott, CAPT Gordie Meyer & CAPT Bert Hornyak, U.S. Navy
· What has been completed since the last FTAC
· What is the progress
· Items targeted for completion before the next FTAC
10:20AM FTAC Committee Discussion – Moderated by Facilitator
10:50AM Public Questions and Comments – Moderated by Facilitator
11:45AM Next Meeting – Thu Perry, DOH
12:00PM Adjourn
Attention: If you require an auxiliary aid or accommodation due to a disability, by 12:00 noon, on October 25, 2021, please contact (808) 586‑4226 (voice/tty) or email Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov. We do not automatically provide this service. If a request is received after this date and time, we will try to obtain auxiliary aid/service or accommodation, but we cannot guarantee that the request will be fulfilled.

Virtual Meeting Specifications

Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Connectivity Issues: The meeting will be recessed when audio communication cannot be maintained with a quorum of members and will be terminated when audio communication cannot be reestablished with a quorum of members.
Public Comment: In order to reduce the chance of overloading the video conferencing system, members of the public will be asked to turn off their cameras and microphones upon entering the meeting. They will be asked to turn on their cameras and microphones when it is their turn to provide verbal public comment.
Written Testimony: Written testimony may be submitted to Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov no later than November 21, 2021. Members of the public may also express their desire to comment by entering their name into the “chat” during the public comment portion of the agenda. Each public comment will be limited to two (2) minutes each.

Related Documents

Note: During the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee’s first meeting on October 6, 2016 U.S. Army and U.S. Air Force were excused from future meetings because they no longer own or operate any field-constructed underground storage tanks. Also, at that time Schofield Barracks Military Reservation was mistakenly identified as a facility of interest. It was removed from future updates.

July 2021 Update

Red Hill Contested Case Hearing

WEDNESDAY, JULY 7, 2021 -- The Red Hill contested case was reopened to consider additional information provided by the U.S. Navy and Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) regarding the May 6, 2021 leak at the underground fuel storage facility. A virtual hearing was held via Zoom on Wednesday, July 7, 2021 and made available as a YouTube livestream to the general public. To watch the hearing on demand via YouTube: https://youtu.be/PPfq4oHgguw.

Post-Hearing Brief, Findings of Fact & Conclusions of Law (2021-07)

July 7 Hearing Set for Reopened Red Hill Contested Case

TUESDAY, JULY 6, 2021 -- The public is advised that the Red Hill contested case is being reopened to evaluate additional information provided by the Navy and DOH concerning the May 6, 2021 leak at Red Hill. The reopened hearing will be live streamed on YouTube via the following URL: https://youtu.be/PPfq4oHgguw. The hearing starts at 9:00 a.m. Hawaii time, July 7, 2021.

May 2021 Update

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting (Agenda)

  • What: Sixth Annual Meeting of the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC)
  • Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021
  • Time: 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM (all times are listed in HST)
  • Note: This meeting will start at 9:00 AM sharp. The Zoom will be opened at 8:45 AM. The meeting may not run the entire morning and public comments will be taken at the end of the Advisory Committee member discussions. Public comments can be chatted or presented during the meeting or written comments may be emailed in advance to Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov.
  • Where: via Zoom (access code below)


  • Ensure that all members of the committee, especially new ones, understand the purpose, function, and current efforts of both the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC).
  • Provide summary and recap of last meeting.
  • Provide updates from the Navy on:
    • What has transpired and changed since the last meeitng
    • What is being worked on now
    • What lies ahead
  • Ensure both members of the FTAC and members of the public have adequate time to ask questions and offer comments and advice.


Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 

Connectivity Issues: The meeting will be recessed when audio communication cannot be maintained with a quorum of members and will be terminated when audio communication cannot be reestablished with a quorum of members. 

Public Comment: In order to reduce the chance of overloading the video conferencing system, members of the public will be asked to turn off their cameras and microphones upon entering the meeting. They will be asked to turn on their cameras and microphones when it is their turn to provide verbal public comment. 

Written Testimony: Written testimony may be submitted to Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov no later than 12 Noon on May 19, 2021. Members of the public may also express their desire to comment by entering their name into the “chat” during the public comment portion of the agenda. Each public comment will be limited to two (2) minutes each. 


January 2021 Update

Red Hill Contest Case Hearing

JANUARY 27, 2021 – For community members interested in observing the DOH Contested Case Hearing regarding the Red Hill Underground Storage Tank Facility Permit Application, which will take place from Monday, February 1, 2021 through Friday, February 5, 2021, please see the following livestreaming links. Each day of the planned five-day hearing will have a unique url that you can use to access the day’s hearing. The urls for each day are:

October 2020 Update

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting (Agenda)

  • What: Fifth Annual Meeting of the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee (FTAC)
  • Date: Friday, October 30, 2020
  • Time: 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM
  • Written Comments: Written comments may be submitted no later than 12:00 PM on Thursday, October 29, 2020, to Thu Perry (thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov).
  • Public Comments: Public comments will be taken at the end of the Advisory Committee member discussions. 
  • Where: Zoom 


  • 12:45 PM - Zoom Line Opens 
  • 1:00 PM - Startup -  Keith Kawaoka, DOH 
  • 1:10 PM - Review of Duties of the Committee - HRS 342L-62 (below) Committee to focus on field-constructed tanks (FCTs) at Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Kuahua Pennisula, Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands, and Hickam Pol Annex 
  • 1:15 PM - Agenda and Format- Peter Adler, Facilitator 
  • 1:30 PM - Recap Role and Function of Red Hill AOC (Administrative Order on Consent) - Steven Linder, EPA & Roxanne Kwan, DOH 
  • 2:00 PM - Carry Over Issues and Questions from 2019 Meeting - Thu Perry, DOH 
  • 2:15 PM - Technical Updates - RDML Robb Chadwick, Commander, Navy Region Hawaii & CAPT Gordie Meyer, U.S. Navy 
  • 2:45 PM - FTAC Discussion- Moderated by Facilitator 
  • 3:15 PM - Public Questions and Comments - Moderated by Facilitator 
  • 3:55 PM - Next Meeting - Thu Perry, DOH 
  • 4:00 PM - Adjourn 

If you require an auxiliary aid or accommodation due to a disability, please contact (808) 586-4226 (voice/tty) or email Thu Perry at thu.perry@doh.hawaii.gov by October 28, 2020. For more information, contact DCAB at (808) 586-8121. 

December 2019 Update

Testimony Sought for Changes to Administrative Rules (December 2, 2019)

DECEMBER 1, 2019 – The Hawaii Department of Health is holding a public hearing for the proposed amendment of Hawaii Administrative Rules chapter 11-280.1, changes that would require Red Hill to have secondary containment by July 15, 2045.


Voice your opinion on the proposed amendment to Chapter 11 280.1, HAR. Your opinions are important. Please take this opportunity to learn more and share your concerns.


CHAPTER 11 280.1, HAR
- Proposed HAR Changes
- List of Proposed Changes


- Governor David Ige
- Lt. Governor Josh Green
- State Representatives
- State Senators


  • Attend the DOH meeting on Monday, December 2
    • Meeting starts at 9:00 AM
    • State Lab Auditorium (map)
    • Oral and Written Testimony Accepted
  • Send written testimony to DOH by Monday, December 16
    • Email testimony to Hawaii DOH
    • Mail testimony to Hawaii DOH
      Attn: UST Rules
      Department of Health
      2827 Waimano Home Road #100
      Pearl City HI 96782

November 2019 Update

Comments Sought on Red Hill Proposals (November 19, 2019)

NOVEMBER 20, 2019 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) are requesting public comments on the U.S. Navy and the Defense Logistics Agency’s proposal to upgrade the large fuel storage tanks at the Red Hill fuel Bulk Fuel Facility. 


- Navy & DLA Proposal
- BWS Comments


Take the Red Hill Survey


Congressional Delegation
- U.S. Sen. Mazie Hirono
- U.S. Sen. Brian Schatz
- U.S. Rep. Ed Case
- U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

State Officials
- Governor David Ige
- Lt. Governor Josh Green
- State Representatives
- State Senators

City & County Officials
- Contact the Mayor's Office
City Council Members


  • Watch a recording of the Tuesday, November 19 meeting:

    Approximately 350 people attended the joint meeting held at Moanalua Middle School on Tuesday, November 19. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii Department of Health accepted both oral and written testimony during the meeting. Written testimony will be accepted by email and by mail through 11:59 PM Pacific Time on Monday, December 9.
  • Send written comments by Monday, December 9
    • Email comments to Hawaii DOH
    • Email comments to U.S. EPA
    • Mail comments to Hawaii DOH
      Attn: Red Hill
      Department of Health
      2827 Waimano Home Road #100
      Pearl City HI 96782
    • Mail comments to U.S. EPA
      Attn: Mr. Omer Shalev
      EPA Red Hill Project Coordinator
      U.S. EPA, Region IX
      75 Hawthorne Street
      San Francisco CA 94105

Upcoming Public Meetings

NOVEMBER 12, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) would like to remind the community of two upcoming public meetings related to the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. Your opinions are important. Please take this opportunity to learn more and share your concerns. If members of the community are unable to attend either meeting, written comments will be accepted by December 9 for the EPA-DOH meeting or by December 16 for the DOH public hearing. 

  • Joint EPA-DOH Public Meeting - Tuesday, November 19, 2019
    Moanalu Middle School (map) | 6:00 PM
    Oral and Written Comments Accepted
    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) are requesting public comments on the U.S. Navy and the Defense Logistics Agency’s proposal to upgrade the large fuel storage tanks at the Red Hill fuel Bulk Fuel Facility. Written comments must be received by the EPA and DOH no later than Monday, December 9.
  • DOH Public Hearing - Monday, December 2, 2019
    State Lab Auditorium (map) | 9:00 AM
    Oral and Written Testimony Accepted
    The Hawaii Department of Health is holding a public hearing for the proposed amendment of Hawaii Administrative Rules chapter 11-280.1, changes that would require Red Hill to have secondary containment by July 15, 2045. Written testimony must be received by the DOH no later than Monday, December 16.

October 2019 Update

Comments on the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Permit Application for Red Hill

OCTOBER 24, 2019 – On Tuesday, October 22, the Department of Health, Solid and Hazardous Waste Branch, posted to its website a document containing public comments received regarding the May 28, 2019, draft  permit for an underground storage tank (UST) system operated by the Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Pearl Harbor at Red Hill-Aiea and Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii. 

The Board of Water Supply also posted the following document to its website:

BWS Comments on the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Permit Application for Red Hill

OCTOBER 18, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) recently posted the following documents online:

June 2019 Update

BWS Comments on the Underground Storage Tank (UST) Permit Application for Red Hill

JUNE 24, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) provided comments to the State Department of Health (DOH) regarding the department's April 12, 2019 response to the U.S. Navy's underground storage tank permit application dated March 13, 2019, and the Navy's revised permit application dated May 15, 2019.

April 2019 Update

BWS Comments on Navy Testimony for Hawaii Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 (SCR 35)

APRIL 11, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) provided comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Hawaii State Department of Health regarding the U.S. Navy's testimony for Senate Concurrent Resolution 35.

Joint Hearing: House Committees on Health and on Energy & Environmental Protection

APRIL 11, 2019 – The Hawaii House Committees on Health and on Energy & Environmental Protection held a joint briefing to address immediate concerns regarding public health as it relates to the environment, including concerns about the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility. Representatives from the Hawaii Department of Health, the U.S. military, the Honolulu Board of Water Supply, Life of the Land, and the Sierra Club of Hawaii were invited to participate. This session took place on Thursday, April 11, in Room 329 at the State Capitol.

March 2019 Update

U.S. Navy Application for Underground Storage Tank Permit at Red Hill

MARCH 29, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) provided comments to the Hawaii State Department of Health regarding the U.S. Navy's recent application for an Underground Storage Tank (UST) permit for 20 USTs at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Facility.

Public Hearing on Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 (SCR 35)

MARCH 20, 2019 – Members of the Senate Committee on Agriculture & Environment and the Senate Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental & Military Affairs voted to advance Senate Concurrent Resolution 35 following a public hearing held on Wednesday, March 20, 2019. The resolution would encourage federal and state regulators to reject a single-wall tank upgrade option for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to encourage the U.S. Navy to take greater steps, including the option of permanently relocating the tanks, to prevent fuel contamination from reaching Oahu's underground aquifers at Red Hill.

City & County of Honolulu City Council Meeting - Resolution 18-266, CD1

MARCH 8, 2019 – The City & County of Honolulu City Council heard final public testimony, and ultimately approved the adoption of Committee Report 57 and Resolution 18-266, CD1 as amended, which urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii State Department of Health to reject the approval of a single wall tank upgrade alternative option for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to reject the conclusions presented in the Groundwater Protection and Evaluation Considerations for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Report dated July 27, 2018.

Destructive Analysis of 10 Steel Coupons Removed from Red Hill Fuel Storage Tank #14

MARCH 8, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State Department of Health (DOH) regarding the IMR Test Labs Report regarding the Destructive Analysis of 10 Steel Coupons Removed from Red Hill Fuel Storage Tank #14.

February 2019 Update

City Council Committee on Public Infrastructure, Technology and Sustainability

FEBRUARY 27, 2019 – During a continued session on Wednesday, February 27, for the Honolulu City Council's Committee on Public Infrastructure, Technology and Sustainability, the committee concluded the public hearing on Resolution 18-266, which urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii State Department of Health to reject the approval of a single wall tank upgrade alternative option for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to reject the conclusions presented in the Groundwater Protection and Evaluation Considerations for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Report dated July 27, 2018.

City Council Committee on Public Infrastructure, Technology and Sustainability

FEBRUARY 6, 2019 – The U.S. Navy briefed the Honolulu City Council's Committee on Public Infrastructure, Technology and Sustainability on their updates regarding the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC). This briefing and public testimony were conducted as part of discussions on Resolution 18-266, which urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii State Department of Health to reject the approval of a single wall tank upgrade alternative option for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to reject the conclusions presented in the Groundwater Protection and Evaluation Considerations for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Report dated July 27, 2018.

January 2019 Update

BWS Board of Directors Meeting: Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Update

JANUARY 28, 2019 – The BWS presented an update on the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility to the Board of Directors during its regular meeting on Monday, January 28, 2019.

City Council Committee on Public Infrastructure, Technology and Sustainability

JANUARY 23, 2019 – The Honolulu Board of Water Supply (BWS) provided an update regarding Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) to the Honolulu City Council's Committee on Public Infrastructure, Technology and Sustainability. This briefing and public testimony were conducted as part of discussions on Resolution 18-266, which urges the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Hawaii State Department of Health to reject the approval of a single wall tank upgrade alternative option for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and to reject the conclusions presented in the Groundwater Protection and Evaluation Considerations for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Report dated July 27, 2018

December 2018 Updates

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee

DECEMBER 24, 2018 – The Board of Water Supply submitted comments today to the Hawaii Department of Health's (DOH) regarding the committee's third annual fuel tank advisory committee meeting and regarding the draft report prepared by the DOH Underground Storage Tank Section to the 30th Legislature for the State of Hawaii (2019).

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

DECEMBER 11, 2018 – The Board of Water Supply is a subject matter expert (SME) for the Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) and has posted a document containing copies of correspondence that the BWS is having with the Hawaii State Department of Health (DOH) asking why DOH raised their environmental action limit (EAL) for total petroleum hydrocarbons as diesel (TPH-d) from 160 micrograms per liter (ug/L) to 400 ug/L.

November 2018 Updates

Fuel Tank Advisory Committee Meeting

NOVEMBER 21, 2018 – The BWS recently shared a livestream on Facebook of the Fuel Tank Advisory Committee meeting held on Thursday, November 1, at the State Capitol. A recording of that livestream is available below:

October 2018 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

OCTOBER 29, 2018 – The BWS recently submitted comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Health for the State of Hawaii regarding the U.S. Navy's 2018 Conceptual Site Model Report, Investigation and Remediation of Releases and Groundwater Protection and Evaluation, dated July 27, 2018

BWS Board of Directors Meeting: Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Update

OCTOBER 22, 2018 – The BWS presented an update on the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility to the Board of Directors during its regular meeting on Monday, October 22, 2018. Presentation begins at 0:34:13 and discussion ends at 1:04:20.

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

OCTOBER 5, 2018 – The BWS recently offered comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Health for the State of Hawaii on the following topics related to the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) Statement of Work (SOW):

September 2018 Updates

BWS Board of Directors Meeting: Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Update

SEPTEMBER 24, 2018 – The BWS presented an update on the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility to the Board of Directors during its regular meeting on Monday, September 24, 2018. Presentation begins at 0:00:45 and discussion ends at 0:16:05.

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

SEPTEMBER 7, 2018 – The BWS recently offered comments to the EPA, Hawaii DOH, and/or the Department of Land and Natural Resources (Commission on Water Resource Management) on the following topics related to the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) Statement of Work (SOW):

May 2018 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

MAY 13, 2018 – The BWS recently offered comments to the EPA and Hawaii DOH on the following topics related to the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) Statement of Work (SOW):

February 2018 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

FEBRUARY 21, 2018 – The BWS recently offered comments to the EPA and Hawaii DOH on the following topics related to the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) Statement of Work (SOW):

October 2017 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

OCTOBER 26, 2017 – The BWS recently offered comments to the EPA and Hawaii DOH on the following topics:

July 2017 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

JULY 5, 2017 – The BWS recently offered comments to the EPA and Hawaii DOH regarding the groundwater modeling group meeting held on June 26, 2017, for the Red Hill AOC Scope of Work, Sections 6 and 7.

June 2017 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent

JUNE 14, 2017 – The Board of Water Supply (BWS) has posted a copy of a letter from the DOH to the U.S. Navy regarding two reports, the Existing Data Summary Report, dated March 5, 2017, and the Data Gap Analysis Report dated April 25, 2017

In addition, the BWS posted formal letters with comments on the following items:

May 2017 Updates

Red Hill Fuel Storage Tank Project Update Meeting

MAY 26, 2017 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Hawaii Department of Health, the U.S. Navy, and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) will be sponsoring a meeting on Thursday, June 22, to provide information on the progress being made to evaluate and implement upgrades to the infrastructure and operations and maintenance procedures for the Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility. Information on the ongoing work to investigate and monitor the groundwater under and around the facility will also be available. The meeting will be an opportunity for the public to ask questions related to the work being performed under the Administrative Order on Consent with the U.S. Navy and the DLA.

If you have any questions about this meeting, please contact the regulatory agencies by sending an e-mail to redhill@epa.gov or calling Thu Perry at (808) 586-4226.

April 2017 Updates

Existing Data Summary and Evaluation (EDSE) Report and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests for Information

April 21, 2017 – The BWS offered comments to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) to the Existing Data Summary and Evaluation (EDSE) Report for Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Fate and Transport Modeling, Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Oahu, Hawaii.

The BWS also requested assistance from U.S. Senators Brian Schatz and Mazie Hirono and of U.S. Representatives Tulsi Gabbard and Colleen Hanabusa with getting timely responses from the Department of Navy to two Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests for Information submitted on October 14, 2016 and November 11, 2016.

February 2017 Updates

Hawaii Lawmakers Consider Senate Bill 1259

FEBRUARY 16, 2017 – This month, the Hawaii lawmakers are considering Senate Bill 1259, which would require the Navy to implement tank upgrades by July 2027 or to shut down the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility by 2030.

January 2017 Updates

Red Hill Toxicological Study and Risk Assessment

JANUARY 31, 2017 – The BWS offered comments to the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) regarding the results of a toxicological study and risk assessment that the BWS has performed on the groundwater in the vicinity of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility and has requested immediate action in response to releases to the groundwater at the facility.

December 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

DECEMBER 27, 2016 – The BWS offered comments to the U.S. EPA and the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) regarding a briefing before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Armed Services and follow-up comments and minutes from a conference call with the EPA and DOH.

November 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

NOVEMBER 23, 2016 – The BWS has offered comments regarding a November 22 conference call with the U.S. EPA and Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), comments to the Tank Inspection, Repair and Maintenace (TIRM) Report being developed for Section 2 of the SOW, a response to the cover letter and comments regarding the investigation and remediation of releases and groundwater protection and evaluation revision for Sections 6 and 7 of the SOW, and comments on the October 5 meeting to discuss Sections 6 and 7 of the SOW.

October 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

OCTOBER 4, 2016 – The BWS has offered comments to the U.S. EPA, U.S. Navy, and the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH) comments regarding work plans being developed for tank upgrade alternatives, comments concerning the AOC work plans and associated scoping meetings, a recap of comments for recent AOC and related scoping meetings, and comments regarding the letter from the EPA and Hawaii DOH to the U.S. Navy disapproving the work plan submitted for Sections 6 and 7 of the SOW.

September 2016 Updates

Red Hill Fuel Storage Tank Project Update Meeting

SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Hawaii Department of Health (DOH), the U.S. Navy, and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) will be sponsoring a meeting on Thursday, October 6. Representatives will provide an update on the progress being made to evaluate and implement upgrades to the infrastructure and operations and maintenance procedures for the Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility, as well as an update on the ongoing work to investigate and monitor the groundwater under and around the facility. 

The meeting will be an opportunity for the public to ask questions related to the project work under the Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) with the U.S. Navy and the DLA.

The BWS remains concerned about the presence of petroleum contamination in the groundwater underneath the Navy’s underground fuel storage tank facility which rests only 100 feet above the groundwater aquifer. This aquifer is a key source of Oahu’s drinking water, providing 25 percent of urban Honolulu’s supply. On-going testing by BWS, shows that its water sources in the area is safe to drink; however, the BWS remains very concerned about the structural integrity of the 70-year-old tanks due to their age. The BWS continues to monitor the implementation of the AOC and is an active participant as a subject matter expert in the meetings with the EPA, the Navy, and the Hawaii DOH as they work on a remediation plan for the storage tanks.

August 2016 Updates

Public Meeting Held at Moanalua Middle School

AUGUST 15, 2016 – Ernest Lau, Manager and Chief Engineer, and Erwin Kawata, Program Administrator, Water Quality Division, prepared an updated presentation during a public meeting held at Moanalua Middle School. The State DOH and BWS were invited by the Sierra Club to participate in the meeting, during which the BWS expressed concerns that included the 20+ years being given to the Navy to make improvements, and the need for more transparency and public and stakeholder participation in the process. 

July 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

JULY 22, 2016 – The BWS offered comments concerning the location changes for Navy monitoring wells to be installed as part of environmental investigation activities conducted at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.

June 2016 Updates

EPA Update on the Implementation of Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

JUNE 27, 2016 – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials provided a status update to the BWS on the implementation of the Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent during a public meeting held at the BWS Beretania offices.

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

JUNE 3, 2016 – The BWS offered comments to the Work Plan and Scope of Work for the Investigation and Remediation of Releases and Groundwater Protection and Evaluation for the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.

May 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

MAY 27, 2016 – The BWS offered comments and recommendations to the Red Hill Monitoring Well Installation Work Plan, as well as comments to the Work Plans being developed under the AOC Statement of Work for Sections 2 through 5 and 8.

Hawaii Business Environmental Report

MAY 12, 2016 - In its May 2016 issue, Hawaii Business magazine reported on the lingering concerns stemming from the U.S. Navy's Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, where there was an accidental release of at least 27,000 gallons of jet fuel from one of the underground tanks.

April 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

APRIL 25, 2016 – The BWS offered recommendations for inclusion into Work Plans being developed for each of the Red Hill AOC Statement of Work tasks.

ThinkTech Hawaii Livestream

APRIL 15, 2016 – Ernest Lau, Manager and Chief Engineer, and Erwin Kawata, Program Administrator, Water Quality Division, recently joined ThinkTech Hawaii host Kaui Lucas for two livestreams to talk about the ongoing concerns with the Red Hill Underground Fuel Storage Facility.

thinktech hawaii interview on red hill

Host Kaui Lucas (left) interviewed Lau (center) and Kawata (right) in two livestreamed sessions, "Flint-ing with Disaster, BWS on the Leaky Red Hill Tanks," on April 8 (Part I) and April 15 (Part II).



March 2016 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

MARCH 29, 2016 – The BWS offered comments to the EPA and DOH related to the testing of chemicals of potential concern (COPC) in Red Hill groundwater monitor wells.

October 2015 Updates

Red Hill Administrative Order on Consent (AOC)

OCTOBER 5, 2015 – On Thursday, October 1, 2015, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State Department of Health (DOH) announced a final Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) with the U.S. Navy and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA). The AOC requires the military to take immediate and long-term steps to minimize the threat of future leaks at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility.

The BWS is currently conducting an in-depth analysis of the final AOC and Statement of Work (SOW). According to Ernest Lau, manager and chief engineer, "Based on our preliminary review, the revised AOC/SOW still allows the Navy up to 22 years to implement repairs or upgrades to this facility. This continues to be a concern for the BWS as we had advocated for an expedited timeline. Protecting our drinking water resources in the Red Hill area is of utmost importance to the BWS. We look forward to working with the State Department of Health, Environmental Protection Agency, Navy and the Defense Logistics Agency as they move forward with this agreement."